If you decide to return your product within 67 days of receiving it, simply send it back to the address listed below to initiate the return process. After we receive and inspect the item, we'll begin processing your refund.
To ensure a smooth return experience, please make sure to send your product back within 67 days of the delivery date. You can refer to the delivery date on the package to verify your eligibility.
While return shipping may be covered by the seller, please be aware that Kollagenintensiv.store does not handle return shipping fees or oversee the refund process.
Here’s how to begin your return:
1. Email us: Reach out to us at support@kollagenintensiv.store to request your return authorization.
2. Send your item: Ship the product back to the following address:
300 - 1095 McKenzie Avenue Victoria, BC, V8P 2L5
Please keep in mind that return shipping may not be paid for by the retailer.
To complete your refund, follow these steps:
1. Fill out the return and refund forms you received with your package.
2. Ship the product to the address listed above.
3. We’ll notify you once we’ve received the return and update you on the next steps. Upon approval, we’ll issue your refund promptly.
Thanks for choosing Kollagen Intensiv! We’re committed to making the process as easy as possible for you.